segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2007

The 1st trimester

Welcome everyone to one of the biggest and most joyous occasions that will change the rest of our lives forever! You are all about to embark on one of God's miracles of life with us. So please sit back, relax and hold on to your seats.

4 comentários:

Felicia disse...

Wow!! You are so big. :) I can't wait until you actually start to show.

Felicia disse...

Wow!! You are so big. I can't wait until you actually start to show.

Felicia disse...

Whoops. I guess I posted that comment twice..oh well, here's a third time. I can't wait to see you guys in January. Then, you'll really be showing.

Celina, Alexandria and Javier disse...

Alexandria wanted me to tell alexis that she loves that your belly is growing and that she loves you! Hello to Gian Too!